

We have just had the most wonderful weekend at Columbine.  The grass was green, the river was running and the Manchurian Pear was in full bloom.  We ran around in the sunshine and sizzled sausages by the river.  At night we cozied up in front of Unnie and Bop's new combustion fire.  It was a weekend in Central West Paradise.
Ben and Unnie start the day with a perusal of the river.

Lucy and Unnie have a quick cuppa.  

Time to work!  Into the ute.  Lucy decides the tray is the perfect dance floor.   
Enough dancing.  Back to work.  Lucy wonders if she should move the cattle from this paddock to that paddock.
Yes.  Away she goes. 
Ben asks Matt if they should get the horses and help Lucy.

With the cattle work done it's time to head back to the house to give Ottey a pat.

Bop perfects the casually chic farmer look. 

Ben perfects the cute kid on a swing look.  "It's a lovely day for a swing Unnie!"

Lucy's silver shoes have survived the day but her jeans may never be the same again.

As the sun sets Lucy and Ben give Matt a cuddle.....

......and Ben decides that Columbine is pretty cool.